Jack McDevitt - Omega - 8

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Blade Runner
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Jack McDevitt - Omega - 8

Post by clong »

Omega /Engines of God /3

This is my favorite McDevitt novel to date. It is a little less action driven, and a lot more thought provoking. The Goompahs are an interesting alien race, not because they are compellingly different, but because of how similar they are to humans in many ways (although with a few telling differences). I particularly enjoyed the role of the theater and the arts in Goompah society. And the role of religion in any society is given a sensitive treatment.

The cast of protagonists is made up of reasonably normal, everyday people thrown into a situation where they choose to act heroically, to risk their lives for a noble cause. And in McDevitt's universe, when people take risks, there are usually prices to be paid.

While some aspects of the climax were predictable, others were surprising. And there were smaller surprises sprinkled throughout the book.

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