Glory Road... what did The Lady Vivamus look like?

Of long lives, long loves and obscure references, Pantheistic Multi-Person Solipsism, and more - by the Grandmaster of Science Fiction.
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Glory Road... what did The Lady Vivamus look like?

Post by tmaring »

Hello! New to the forum. I thought I'd post an image of a document in my collection that might be of interest to Heinlein fans that also enjoy swords.

In the book GLORY ROAD Heinlein's character obtains a sword he dubs "the Lady Vivamus" based on the inscriptions. Back in the 1980s I was a professional swordmaker and contacted RAH with the idea to create the Lady in steel. Here is his reply... which among other things... becomes primary documentary evidence showing the exact source of the inspiration for that sword. This should settle any long winded arguments over the matter! If there is any doubt as to the authenticity of the document, I would be happy to present the original, with the mailing envelope, to qualified professionals for appraisal.
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Tom Maringer
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