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Nils-Olof Franzén - Agaton Sax (Series) - 9

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:09 am
by Kvetch
Agaton Sax And The Scotland Yard Mystery /Agaton Sax

The Agaton Sax books were originally written in Swedish in the 1960s. A decade later they were translated into English and illustrated by Quentin Blake.

They follow the escapades of master detective Agaton Sax (who is short and fat, a noticable contrast to another famous detective...) as he tracks down various criminals (my favourite is Anaxagoras Frank - how's that for a name to roll off the tongue), usually at the behest of the incompetent Inspector Lispington of Scotland Yard.

While in no way could they be considered deep, these books are funny, and are worth reading if you want something light.