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James Patterson and Maxine Paetro - 5th Horseman - 7

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:39 pm
by StefanY
5th Horseman (Women's Murder Club - 5)

I hadn't read a Patterson in a while when I picked this up and it immediately brought back all of the reasons that I like his books.

After a bit of a let-down for me with 4th of July, the Women's Murder Club is back in fine form. Patterson's characters are all likeable and easy to root for. The writing style is what I would call very comfortable and the storyline moves along at the usual Patterson frenetic pace. Once I start, I usually don't want to put one of his books down and The 5th Horseman is no exception.

I read a lot over lunch at work and another caveat of reading his novels is that the chapters are usually short and it's always easy to find a place to stop (even if you REALLY don't want to!)

Anyway, I guess this isn't a review for The 5th Horseman exactly, but more of a review of James Patterson novels in general. He writes books that are incredibly fun and engaging to read and I would recommend picking one up! If you can start at the beginning of one of his series, that would be best, but another caveat of his writing is that he does a great job of filling the reader in on what's going on, so if you pick up a series in the middle, you're still ok.

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