Detailed view for the Book: Two-Gun Rio Kid


Two-Gun Rio Kid





Rio Kid


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1941-08-24 William Morrow & Co.  

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Hugh Aiken was returning home after three years to clear his name. He'd been accused of shooting the Sheriff in the back and fleeing. The green kid had indeed fled when he realized his gun was missing.

He was green no longer. Always good with his guns, his reputation had grown in his years along the Mexican border. There he got the nickname Rio Kid because of the river and his youthful face.

Things got worse the night he arrived when the Sheriff, son of the one he was accused of murdering, was shot in the same manner. In the back. This time his best friend was hung with the crime, a fact the Kid knew was impossible, even if he didn't know his friend. He had found the body after hearing a shot and his friend was nowhere around.

Two innocents to clear, the murderers to be found, the Kid had his work cut out for him.