Detailed view for the Book: Deadly Games


Deadly Games





# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 2003-12-01 Signet  

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Play to Kill
It's called Practice Run - a computer game that's captivating the imagination of an entire generation of teenagers. For Tyler Bryant, the mastermind behind it, it's a dream-for-success come true. For his new wife, Quinn, it's a nightmare. Becasue she's finally getting to know the man she married. She's finally understanding the game. And she's terrified.

Play To Die
It begins with Tyler's disturbing secrets, devastating lies, and a series of twisted murders across the country - each victim a prominent religious leder. Quinn has discovered the chilling connection: Each killer was a teenager addicted to Practice Run, susceptible to its hidden messages and the violent vision of the man who created it. Now it's up to Quinn to stop her husband from taking the game to its ultimate - and horrifying - extreme...