Detailed view for the Book: Prince on a White Horse


Prince on a White Horse



Young Adult


Castle Of Dark


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1982-00-00  

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He was a prince, he knew. And he was riding a white horse. But who he was, and how he had got there, he had no idea. The horse didn't know either - it was good at protecting him from the many monsters that came to attack him, and it could turn into a lion, for difficult jobs like climbing mountains, but although it told the prince many things, it always denied that it could speak.
The prince needed all the help he could get. During a series of adventures in which he encountered two witches (one good and one bad), escaped from Beezles, Oggrings, Skolks and some of the other extremely unpleasant creatures that lived in the world, and acquired a companion, Gemant the Red Knight, the Prince discovered from Vultikan the Hoiler that he was the Looked-for Deliverer. Vultikan gave him a special sword and a suit of armour to equip him for the fray. His foe was Nulgrave, and the very mention of the word terrified everyone.

Suffering from confusion himself, and in a world which operated by no logic he could fathom, the prince's task was monumentally hard. But Nulgrave was horribly serious, so he persevered, and the result was as crazy and funny - and satisfying - as anyone could wish.

This highly original and amusing science fiction story will be enjoyed by readers of 10+.