Detailed view for the Book: Highway of Eternity


Highway of Eternity



Science Fiction
Time Travel


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1986-00-00 Del Rey  

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It all began simply enough. A client had vanished, and Jay Corcoran went to investigate the man's hotel suite, which seemed empty. But Corcoran's trick vision spotted what no one else could see- a room-sized box stuck somehow to the outside wall of the suite. There was no way to get into the box, however. So Corcoran cabled his longtime pal Tom Boone in Singapore to fly to New York.

Boone had a talent. When threatened, he could "step around a corner" into some otherwhere until danger had passed. Maybe he could step around a corner into the box.

He could and did, taking Corcoran with him.

The box turned out to be a time traveler machine that transported them almost instantly back to 1745 Shropshire, England, where they found a strange family of refugees from a million years in the future.

There, in that far future, the alien Infinites were coverting humanity to incorporeal form, promising that would give them immortality. When thefamily refused conversion, they had been forced to flee in their time travelers. Now, for more than a century, they had lain hidden in their time bubble around Hopkins Acre. But they had reports of something sniffing at the bubble. Then, suddenly, the Infinites' killer monster broke through. After that, things grew complicated as they fled the distant past and the farther future.