Detailed view for the Book: Best of Trek #10, the

Signet Books, 204 pages


Diversity in Combination by Alan Manning
The Brilliant Door by Joyce Tullock
Boots and Starships by Walter Irwin
The Naming Game by Nicky Jill Nicholson
One More Time: Time Travel in Star Trek by Kay Kelly
Star Trek and Me by G.B. Love
Vulcan as a Meritocracy by Carmen Carter
The Search for Spock: Film vs. Novelization by Bill Abelson
Trek Roundtable -- Letters From Our Readers
Why Kirk Will Remain an Admiral by Joseph Rochford
The American Ideal in Star Trek by Lisa Kenas
A Lexicon of Vulcan by Katherine D. Wolterink
Memories of Star Trek by Colleen Arima
How Star Trek Affected Me by Colleen Arima
The Neglected Whole by Elizabeth Rigel
The Star Trek Films: Variations and Vexations by Mark Alfred
Star Trek Chronology, Part II by Jeffrey W. Mason
A Letter From Terence Bowden
The Second Star Trek Fan Poll Results Compiled by G.B. Love
Best of Trek Author Index, Volumes 1-10 Compiled by Deanna Rafferty

Back Cover Blurb:

Why Kirk will remain an admiral
Boots and starships
One more time: time travel
A lexicon of Vulcan

A special celebration of Star Trek in its first twenty years with... an examination of the true meaning of names in the series... a revelation of the basic rules of time travel, and an in-depth look at the entire supporting cast. Here is another fascinating collection full of information about all your favorite characters, episodes, and events in the ever-expanding universe of Star Trek.