Detailed view for the Book: By the North Gate


By the North Gate



Short Stories


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1963-00-00 Vanguard  

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By the North Gate introduces a new young American writer of singular talent. In her first collection of short stories, Joyce Carol Oates demonstrates that she is both vital and sensitive -- sometimes ironic, sometimes bitter, often violent, but always a writer with something to say and the tools with which to say it. Because Miss Oates is young, her stories concern themselves with problems and situations that youth knows: the conflict between the hope of the young and the pessimism of the old; the realization of the injustices of the civilized order; the horror of the senseless cruelty condoned by society; the reality of evil, existing even in the good and the loving; brutality without motivation -- the ultimate horror; the senseless machinations of fate that condition all of life. And, above all, man standing at the North Gate -- the boundary between civilization and wilderness, both borne in his heart -- and striving toward the victory which he is capable. Within a framework of realism, in a world of sex and blood, of poverty and poetry, Miss Oates"s characters live their passions in stories that have already brought their brilliant young author two awards, won places in the O. Henry Awards Anthology and Martha Foley"s The Best American Short Stories 1963, as well as publication in the Southwest Review, the Colorado Quarterly, and Mademoiselle.