Detailed view for the Book: VOR





Science Fiction


# Date Publisher Binding Cover
1 1958-00-00  

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Beings of unthinkable fury assault the earth with their terrible might! Seven million degrees of infernal fury -- The glowing, compact ovoid plummeted downward, the whole sky screaming like a metallic banshee as the air boiled away from its sides. A supersonic Bang broke over the forest, but the thing was already glid ing in among the tress. The curious centerboard glided down--earth fountained away from it like water--and all the forest burst into flame! Then a thin black line etched a perfect circle on the side o f the metal egg--the circle thickened into a door or airlock--the air was rent by a searing, screaming hiss, & suddenly--The strange being--soon to be known to all mankind as VOR---emerged.